1- Extreme bouts of mania upon viewing a trailer by a preferred director’s latest film.
2- Unstoppable depression arousing from the dissatisfaction with a work of art.
3- An uncontrollable tendency to over-indulge in terms of cinematic purchases.
4- A vivid refusal of weekend socializing so as not to miss out on a film (dvd or theater)
5- Sheer & utter loathing of lending, giving, donating dvds (aka doing favors) out of fear of losing them from one's personal space.
6- Obsessive compulsive use of imdb.com’s search engine in order to dig up new films & directors
7- An insurmountable inability to manage or prioritize one's To-Watch list
8- A near-catatonic state during the screening of a film and the ultimate apathy towards the incineration of one’s abode
9- An amazing capacity for reciting film-quotes while in a trance-like state.
10- Seething rage at the inability to recall a name, year or any trivia in reference to a movie.
Does it pretty much summarize it? Please do not ignore your condition. Filmaholism is a dangerous, mind-twisting, nerve-wrenching disease. It is not to be taken lightly. We plead you to take all possible measures to infect your family & friends. An antidote has not yet been discovered and I, for one, am very thankful for it.